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Our Mission Statement
As we seek to go therefore and teach all nations (Matthews 28:19-20), the Mount Zion Baptist Church of South Hackensack will present the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout our community and with whomever we may come in contact with, we will equip disciples for service through the preaching of the gospel, teaching and worship so that men, women, boys, and girls may fully understand the new commandment, “That ye love one another” (John 13:34-35)
Church History
By the will of our heavenly father, the body of believers known as Mount Zion Baptist Church was established in 1923 by the Reverend F. C. Cheely.  For three years members of the newly-formed congregation met in a building on Hudson Street in Hackensack before purchasing a small lot for $250.00 on what was then called Isley Lane (East Wesley Street) in Lodi Township (now South Hackensack).
In 1926 the congregation moved into a newly-constructed church built on the current site by Rev. Louis Cherry.  On May 8, 1927, Rev. Cherry, along with the church secretary and five trustees, filed a certificate of Incorporation in Bergen County incorporating “A congregation of Christians of the denomination known as Baptist entitled to protection in the use of their religion by the constitution and laws of this state assembled at the house of worship on Isley Lane Lodi Township, Bergen County, New Jersey…for the purpose of public worship…”
Circa 1950 under the leadership of Rev. Issac Cowels the building was extended 17 feet giving it a 100-seat capacity. Twelve stained-glass windows were donated by various families.In 1979 the church was expanded under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Curry.  Today the length of the center aisle from the outer vestibule to the stained-glass window behind the alter is 104.2 feet.  The alter is 14.5 feet wide and 8.2 feet in length (not including the choir loft).  At its widest point, the width of the church is 28.3 feet.  The vestibule measures 7 feet, 9 inches. There are 38 pews plus five in the choir loft and a balcony.
Pastoral History 
…How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14
·Rev. F. C. Cheely 1923-Founding Pastor
·Rev. Louis Cherry 1926-Builder & Inc.
·Rev. Issac Cowels (First Lady, Dorothy).  Born March 17, 1896. Pastored from 1941 until his passing on May 23, 1960. Beloved pastor for 19 years.  Mrs. Cowels remained a member until her
passing in November 1978.
·Rev. Joseph Osborned (First Lady, Cora).  Installed June 3, 1961. Pastored for seven years until October 6, 1968 when he left to pastor his late father’s church in East Orange, New Jersey.
·Rev. Dr. Robert L. Curry (First Lady, Princess) 1969 - 2019. Pastored for fifty years.
He was installed in 1969 along with his late wife, Thelma, a faithful member until her passing in September 1994. During his watch, the church was expanded in 1979 and a new cornerstone laid. The church brought an adjacent building which was converted into a multi-purpose recreation center dedicated in 1993. In the late 90’s, a ramp was added for handicapped access.  In 2001, the formerly heavily-forested Isley Lane that once sat amongst wetland and was chosen by the Elders as a permanent site for Mount Zion was re-named Rev. Dr. Robert L. Curry Drive in honor of the man who now pastors this body and who gave the church it’s motto, “The Church With The Big Heart”.
  • Rev. Joann Pearson Collins - Installed December 8, 2020