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Ministerial Rev. James H. Collins Image Ministerial - Rev. James H. Collins
Reverend James H. Collins is the First Gentlemen of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. He has been married to Pastor Collins for 16 years and is a loving supporter. Rev. Collins was ordain in 2008 and He serves faithfully as the Assistant Sunday School Superintendent and teaches the adult class.    

Pastor Emeritus  Rev. Dr. Robert L. Curry Image Pastor Emeritus - Rev. Dr. Robert L. Curry
Pastor Emeritus serves as spiritual advisor to Pastor Collins. September 22, 2019, Pastor Curry celebrated his 50th Anniversary and retired as Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Under his years of Pastoral Leadership, Pastor Curry exhibited that he is“A Man With A Heart For Ministry”. At a public unveiling ceremony, the City of South Hackensack re-named the street where the church is located to “Rev. Dr. Robert L. Curry Drive”. Rev. Curry attributed his promotions to the Glory of God.  

Church Secretary Dolores White Image Church Secretary - Dolores White

Church Clerk Shelley Washington Image Church Clerk - Shelley Washington